Data Center Guru under Data Center Services aims to bring Innovative & Holistic Approach, Solutions & Services to address Challenges being faced by the Data Center Operators and Consumers. We have identified specific services across Data Center Life Cycle which is Crticial but very few service providers around it and hence we decided to plug-in this gap and committed to provide Speed, Economy of Scale and Quality to Data Center Industry to acheive and sustain excellence across Data Centet Life Cycle.

DC advisory

Do you want to ride-on the Data Center growth wave, but not getting the confidence to venture into?

We provide complete know how with Business & Domain Expertise. Know more...

Custom consulting

Are you still struggling to get the growth from Data Center despite of you having required product, solutions or/and services around it?

We have the Key to Success. Know more...

DC due diligence

Are you finding difficult to convince Data Center Investors or deal closure taking too long?

We bring clarity & transparency through this service and bridge the gap. Know more...

DC site due diligence

Are you finding difficult to convince your stakeholders or freeze Data Center site for New Build?

We provide Assessment, Analysis & Recommendations. Know more...

DC health check

Do you want "Peace of Mind" while operating your own Data Center or migrating workloads to a 3rd party DC?

"Data Center Health Check" is the only answer. Know more...

enablement services

Are you struggling to get proper Design-Build RFP or suffering with time & financial losses during Tier Certification.

We bring expertise to solve both of these challenges. Know more...

data center design

Do you want to reduce time duration for design and cost?

Our off-the-self available Standard Design brings economy of scale. Know more...

quality Planning & Gov.

Data Center Consumers has raised major concern over quality of project without much of improvement yet.

We develop Quality Plan and ensure adherence through Quality Governance on site. Know More...

DC commissioning

Are you getting compromized outcome in projects or struggling to complete Pending Punch List?

We have very simple solution to it. Know more...

DC Operational sust.

One of the biggest cause of DC Outages are attibutable to Poor Operations & Management Program.

We set-up Matured Level of Operational Sustainability Program to address this challenge. Know more...

RCA for DC outages

Data Center Outages are rampant and only way to prevent such incident is to conduct RCA and address Root Cause.

We conduct RCA with detailed analysis & recommendations. Know more...

Data center workshops

Continuous Improvement process is key to Enhance Performance, Efficiency and make Data Center Immune to Outages.

We conduct Worskshops to achieve the above said objective. Know more...